
The Redcaps are Coming!



The Redcaps are Coming!

By J.M.D.

Donald Trump has an extremely loyal group of followers; a group so rabid in their love for him that according to them, he can do no wrong. Although this is a minority of the American people, they are the most ardently vocal, and willing to do his bidding. And they are armed. A great many of them are either too ignorant, gullible, racist, xenophobic, or a combination, thus falling for Trump’s rhetoric blindly, many feeling emboldened to act on their beliefs. Sadly, he is loved by evangelicals, though he has broken many of Christianity’s tenets, they give him a pass. Why?

We cannot blame these people for their beliefs. These are people who routinely vote single issue (if they vote at all), against their own interests [(He’s gonna stop abortion, but will ignore the fact that candidate wants to cut Medicare and Social Security)]. They are a product of the American culture, which is not known for properly promoting fee thinking by the population.

There are too many entities in the Unites States creating division of one sort or another and Donald Trump is doing it perfectly. He knows who his base is and he works them masterfully. He is so good at this that many Republicans are afraid of his base and dare not criticize. Ted Cruz is one example, who now kisses Trump’s ass.

He vilifies people who do not agree with his actions, called Mexicans “criminals” and “rapists”, called some foreign countries “shit holes”, and the list goes on. He just recently said in an interview that he tries to tell the truth, but that was a lie too. John D. Garner, a practicing psychotherapist, has stated that Trump has “malignant narcissism”. “We have seen enough public behavior by Donald Trump now that we can make this diagnosis indisputably,” says Garner.

He is now calling the “caravan” in Mexico an invasion, though it is 800 to 2000 miles away depending on where they arrive at the border, and sending active duty troops, reportedly up to 15,000, to stop this “invasion”. An “invasion” that will not arrive for weeks. Another fear mongering Trump stunt to support the Republicans in Tuesday’s elections. The recently released military assessment quite clearly contradicts Trump’s claims and states that the military is preparing to defend against an “estimated 200 unregulated armed militia members currently operating along the [Southwest Border]. Reported Incidents of unregulated militias stealing National Guard equipment during deployments. They operate under the guise of citizen patrols supporting [Customs and Border Patrol] primarily between [Points of Entry].” Note: These armed militiamen are all Trump supporters.

He is trying to rule by decree, saying he will eliminate the birthright for children born to non-citizens, as guaranteed under the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution:All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”. He does not seem to realize that anyone in the Unites States, born or unborn, falls under its jurisdiction, and most importantly that he cannot change the Constitution.

He is stoking his base. What will happen if by chance the Democrats take Congress? Will he prod his armed followers to action. Will he lead a “putsch” with a sea of armed Redcaps “to take this country back”?

Will the people of the United States ever get their act together and vote for candidates the will actually serve the people they represent? Probably not.

Author bio: non available



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