Random Cats of Kindness
Random Cats of Kindness
This is a true story about a great lady that has devoted herself to rescuing homeless cats and kittens. Let’s get to know her first. Her name is Klara, a hard working successful business women. She is a partner in a company that requires her to work long hours, at home and at her office and do a considerable amount of traveling as well. What I found amazing was not only the devotion she has to feed and rescue these helpless creatures, but to provide them with what they desire and deserve, a life. When Klara opened the trunk to her Mercedes S550, I didn’t find golf clubs or beach balls and chairs, it was full of bags and bags of cat food. The reason is, Klara makes her rounds feeding homeless cats, many of which she had trapped and taken to the veterinarian to have spayed and neutered at her expense. She has been able to successfully trap many cats and kittens, in many cases near death either through illness, injuries and dehydration and or starvation. She’s found homes for many of these helpless creatures including her own home, where these fortunate rescued little wonders live healthy happy comfortable lives. We will get to know some of her little friends and their sad stories and also have the pleasure to know how their situations have changed from barely surviving to living, and more importantly, living in a home where they are safe, happy, healthy and loved. So let’s meet a few members of Klara’s family.
Rainy: He is a black and white short hair. A stranger in the neighborhood approached Klara and told her there was an old cat on her porch and asked if she would come get it. Of course, that is exactly what she did. She immediately took him to the vet where she had estimated him to be approximately 18-19 years old. Rainy had practically no hair, two teeth and was emaciated. After a thorough check up, the veterinarian told Klara his throat was blocked with hair and mud leaving him unable to eat. Rainy spent three weeks at the veterinarian’s office, at Klara’s expense, treated and nursed back to health. Rainy also turned out to be deaf. Rainy was brought to his new home where he mostly sleeps in his room of choice. Klara treats him with herbs, nose spray and a nebulizer to this day. Though he is deaf, he has no hesitancy in screaming at Klara when he want’s to be fed, which by the way she feeds him by hand with soft food because he does not have the ability to chew. Rainy requires a lot of attention and care which fortunately for him, he is getting allowing him to live out his days relaxed, well fed and loved.
Midnight: She is a black short hair. This particular kitty has a story that makes a decent caring person ask, why? How can people be so cruel when there are other options. This poor kitty was seen through the window of a house that was abandoned. Apparently this house was foreclosed on and the residents left her behind with no food or water. They literally left her to die of starvation and dehydration. She would be seen at the window crying, hungry and thirsting for water. Animal control was able to finally remove her from the abandoned home where Klara adopted her and again provided her with a loving home. Midnight also has special needs. She is diabetic requiring insulin shots twice a day. She is also on herbs, a humidifier and requires a special diet of food specifically for her diabetes.
Chatter: She is a black short hair that had a sad story as well. She was found on the beach following hurricane Irma. Her eyes were swollen shut, filled with beach sand. Klara grabbed her and straight to the veterinarian for treatment. Klara brought her home and Chatter immediately decided this was home. And so it is. Chatter is a healthy kitty who no longer worries about food or water or braving the elements.
Rosa: She is a white short hair that was found in a garbage can behind a restaurant. She was tiny and still required her mother’s milk. So her new mom (Klara) stepped in and bottle fed her and today Rosa is a healthy kitty with no health issues. Klara stated that “Rosa is the boss of the house.”
Vishnu: He is a white male with a black mohawk. Vishnu was found right by Klara’s house by construction workers. He was responsible for shutting work down as the workers spent several hours attempting to catch him which they eventually did and of course handed him over to Klara. She took him to the veterinarian to be treated for ant bites, fleas and an eye infection. Vishnu was very young and required a mom’s attention, so Klara wore a sling and carried him around the house and nursed him back to health. Vishnu has grown to be a large, healthy happy kitty.
So these are some of the sad stories that came to a happy conclusion. Klara has a total (as of today) eight (8) cats living in her beautiful home and another five (5) cats living in her yard and garage plus over twelve (12) others she feeds daily at different locations. Oh but there is more!
A Raccoon? Yes, a raccoon as well. An old raccoon approached Klara in her yard. So what did she do? She set up a bed in her garage, provided him with food and water and cleaned him and also treated him for fleas. Klara named him ‘Sweetheart.’ She leaves her garage door open enough for the outdoor cats and the raccoon to be able to come in to eat and drink and escape the weather. Sweetheart the raccoon would leave the garage to do his business and return to his home (garage) when he was done. She observed several times other raccoon’s entering the garage and attempting to attack Sweetheart. Amazingly, all her cats got along with Sweetheart and one of the cats ‘Christian’ would actually chase the raccoons away and defend Sweetheart, who was too old for confrontation. Sweetheart the raccoon lived in Klara’s garage in comfort, in his own bed, always having fresh food and water available to him until he passed. Klara was very sad but at least had the comfort in knowing that she prolonged his life and provided him a quality of life he had never experienced before.
The home: Klara lives in a beautiful home with three levels of living space in which you will find cats playing, eating or sleeping on all three levels. She has an area lined with self-cleaning litter boxes and bowls of food and water spread throughout the home. As cats do, they’ve chosen their preferred sleeping areas, sometimes sleeping alone and sometimes in groups. When Klara lays down to relax and watch television or go to sleep after a long day, then the sleeping arrangements change. Her bed becomes the community bed. Klara mentioned often times she would wake up still tired due to having all the cats in bed with her disrupting her sleep, as cat owners know, that’s the price you pay but the reward of the love they provide makes it all worthwhile.
It runs in the family: Klara has two adult daughters, who have also taken in kitties with sad stories. Between the two of them, they have eight (8) cats, so far. Some with health issues that require careful and constant care which they receive along with a great deal of love. It shows the power of setting positive examples for one’s children.
Why do you do it? That’s a question I had. Klara spends a great deal of her money feeding these creatures and on veterinarian bills, not only for her kitties, but for those that are outside, homeless and ill. So many of these unfortunate cats would simply perish due to hunger, disease, the elements or succumb to euthanasia, but thanks to this kind and caring lady, so many of these creatures are able to not only survive, but live. Klara doesn’t ask for financial help or donations, she does what she does because “it’s the right thing to do.” She does get rewarded by her kind deeds, that is the love that these kitties give her in return everyday. And she deserves something else. Our admiration and respect for everything she does. Here is a quote that says so much:
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” -Mahatma Gandhi
**If you would like to make a comment or send Klara a message, you can click on the ‘contact us’ link at the bottom of the page and send us your remarks. We will be happy to forward any kind remarks to Klara that you may have.
By Joe Belem