Fair Tax, Can It Be?
Fair Tax, Can It Be? by by Brock Hileman
It would be a difficult task today to find an American who is proud of our Federal Government. Rampant corruption permeates the Democratic and Republican parties and it seems the judicial branch is motivated more by politics and ideology than constitution.
It is a terrifying time in America; our federal leaders have decided they know what’s best for us and have turned a deaf ear. It’s not an Obama failure or a Bush failure. For decades Washington has focused on self preservation through special interests and pork instead of the well being of America. Now for the first time in our history a weaker USA will be passed to the next generation. The thirteen trillion dollar debt is not the result of a failure of either party but of both. The special interests of corporations, unions, banks and others have muddied the political waters to the point where it’s impossible for our government to function for the good of “we the people”.
We find the situation infuriating! How did we reach the point where half our nation is paying for the other half. I have yet to encounter an American who truly believes our current tax system is fair to anybody, so why let it continue? Recently a different tax structure has been researched and proposed as a solution, the FairTax.
A website at www.passfairtax.com states; “The FairTax Bill is fair, simple, eliminates the corruption in the 70,300-page current tax code, eliminates all income taxes, payroll taxes and deductions, capital gains, business and investment taxes, shuts down the IRS forever, and will create a huge economic boom and millions of American jobs.”
Simply put you would get to keep every penny of your paycheck. No Federal income tax, FICA, or Medicaid monies withheld at all. No complicated tax code, no IRS and no April 15th. We will still pay taxes but will have control of how much and when. With the FairTax structure there would be great reductions in the corrupting influences currently raging in our Capitol.
Imagine only being taxed on the money you spend, not the money you save. Employers won’t be faced with a payroll tax either, which is currently a “double tax” on money that is rightfully yours. The FairTax would cover our Social Security and Medicaid responsibilities as well.
Think about it, you can pass on your estate to your children intact and without burden. If your personal situation requires a thriftier lifestyle you aren’t penalized for saving your money, you are encouraged to save. When you can afford to be more frivolous you will pay more. Either way you are empowered to choose.
A great side effect is that Washington would be highly motivated to encourage the American dream. The FairTax bill will make “we the people” the only special interest of importance to Washington.
Now that’s the kind of change America is looking for.
To learn more about the proposed FairTax bill gaining momentum in congress or to help rid Washington of corruption and sign the FairTax petition Click Here!
Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com/Article/Fair-Tax–Can-It-Be-/238588
Photo by Political Playtime