
Donald Trump, Smartest Guy In The Room?






Donald Trump, Smartest Guy In The Room?

Let me open with this: we at Political Playtime are not affiliated with any political party. We call things as we seem them, so I would imagine that some “Trump haters” may not be happy with what they read hear, but let’s try to keep an open mind.

When Donald J. Trump announced he was running for president on June 16, 2015, at his Trump Tower in New York City, so many people thought that there was no way he would win. I mean let’s face it, there was a lot of baggage there. He has no political experience and a reputation that would never allow him to be successful, especially against the field of well known and experienced candidates. The thought by many, including “political experts”, was that this was just a publicity stunt, perhaps to further his business or television career. So many pundits had different opinions, but in all reality, most believed he could not win period.

The Opposition: How could Donald Trump, running against sixteen other primary candidates, come out on top when it’s all said and done? Would his inexperience hurt him? By the way, many claimed he was the least experienced from the field running. For those that think that, remember Ben Carson was a candidate. Ben Carson, a pioneer in neurosurgery, for that we have tremendous admiration and respect. However, Mr. Carson did show us that though a person may be at the top in their field, it doesn’t mean your qualified for other things. I Have an excellent auto mechanic that I have used for years to work on my vehicles, but I can say I wouldn’t want to see him sitting in the oval office. Donald Trump did have experience working and dealing with politicians, from both parties through his business endeavors and he also had plenty of experience dealing with the press over the years and let’s not forget his experience on television. But again, how can he triumph over this field of seasoned politicians? Was he going head to head with his experienced opponents on policy issues or specifics? Of course not, he couldn’t. So what to do???

A Gimmick: Was this planned or did he just stumble on it? If it was a planned, it was brilliant. Take these big names, these governors and senators and Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett Packard and make them look small and weak. He just trampled over them in any way he could. In the case of Carly Fiorina, he even went after her looks! Political suicide right? Wrong!

No Body Likes A Bully? Yes, They Do: Donald Trump targeted who was a threat to him. Not by calling them out with specifics but by labels and name calling. He didn’t do much with Mr. Carson, he was no threat. We know now it worked to perfection, just look at ‘Lyin Ted’. That was his label for Ted Cruz, and it stuck. He even went after Mr. Cruz’s wife posting those unflattering pictures of her, and let’s not forget that Trump “heard” that Cruz’s father was somehow involved in the Kennedy assassination. Ted Cruz called Trump a “pathological liar” and “,narcissist” among other things. After all is said and done, Ted Cruz voted for and supported Donald Trump. Many Trump supporters said they liked Trump because he was tough. Well the result in the case? Donald Trump: tough, Ted Cruz: broken down and week.

How about Marco Rubio? Little Marco. Donald Trump treated him as a joke. Marco Rubio actually called Trump a “CON MAN”, after all is said and done, Marco Rubio voted for and supported Donald Trump. Result in this case? Donald Trump: tough, Marco Rubio: week and little.

How about attacking a woman’s looks? Trump once said, “Look at that face, would anyone vote for that?” This was of course regarding Carly Fiorina. The behavior of a Gentleman, a man, a father with daughters?

Jeb Bush was of course a target as many thought he would have walked away with the nomination. Well Trump labeled him ‘Low Energy’ Jeb. A popular former Governor of the state of Florida, Trump also claimed Jeb was “afraid to use his last name”. Jeb Bush, a likable, qualified and experienced candidate was quickly taken out. A difference here was that Jeb Bush stated he would not vote for Trump.

Now we can go on and on with all the nicknames. But the point of this article isn’t to relive the primaries, but to look at the behavior by Trump that normally would be considered childish and immature and of course disrespectful. But Donald Trump the candidate knew he couldn’t go head to head against experienced, knowledgeable opponents, so this was the strategy. Destroy your opponents by any means, professionally, personally and even go after their family members if necessary. Make everything about him, marginalize your opponents and then after breaking them down, have them grovel and then support him. Brilliant!

Now looking at ‘President Donald Trump’, the tactic is the same. The plan is to create mistrust in all the institutions that make up our Democracy. Let’s look at some examples.

The Press: Donald Trump constantly attacks the free press. He seems to believe the Press is there to serve him, a perfect example is Fox News. Trump is smart enough to know this. He is able to tell miss truths, oh hell, let’s call it what it is, lies. However, most networks will call him out on his lies and then present the actual facts to show he’s lying, Fox won’t. But his base watches what network exclusively? Fox. They hear the lie and that’s what sticks in their heads. It seems Fox News is the “state run news” agency you would find in a totalitarian country.

The Judicial System: Creating doubt and mistrust in our court system is part of the plan, especially if the courts rule against him on anything. The strategy is to convince his base that they can’t trust the court system, they could only trust Trump.

The Intelligence Agencies: Another target of President Trump, and for what it seems like obvious reasons, his campaign is a target of investigation. If President Trump knew for a fact that there was no collusion or obstruction of Justice on his part or any member of his campaign, maybe he would welcome an investigation and say if they found that anyone did collude with Russia that he would certainly want to know. That is not the case. He and his supporters call the investigation a “witch hunt”. So he’s already established to his supporters that the Intelligence agencies also can not be trusted.

Congress: When it comes to the Legislative branch, it’s not typical politics where he want’s to create mistrust with the members of the opposition party, but any member of his own party also that is not blindly loyal to him. This again is to strengthen his position with the base. By tearing down members of his own party, he’s creating again the mentality that only Trump can be trusted. President Trump is continuing with the same pattern as candidate Trump did. If you look at it from his point of view, why wouldn’t he? How many supporters would say after he won the Republican nomination that he will “pivot”, he will become “more presidential”, well that never happened and not surprising.

I was right, your all wrong!: So was Donald Trump the smartest guy in the room? The results say yes. While all the strategists from both parties, present and former politicians, news anchors and political experts of all kinds were saying there is no way he could win, he wasn’t qualified, he was constantly shooting himself in the foot, he was offending so many groups, the voters will see through the smoke and mirrors style of his and on and on. Well, Donald J. Trump is the 45th President of these United States and you were all wrong.

How can so many experts be so wrong?: It’s seemed simple. You can’t offend so many people, have such a lack of understanding of our system of government, our constitution, call people names, make racial undertones, lie constantly to his level and win the nomination. Oh really? In my opinion, the problem with so many of these political experts is that they come up with these conclusions from their desks instead of actually getting to know actual people out there. They believe that logically he could not win. But news flash, how people vote, what people believe has nothing to do with logic!

The Danger of Trumps success: We know Trump did things on his terms, ignored the so called norms, ignored the experts and probably his own family member’s suggestions and advice. What about now as President? This is a man that has convinced himself that he knows better than anyone, about all most everything. Remember, “I know more about ISIS than the generals do. Believe me.” Is this a recipe for a possible disaster? If there is a major crisis, will he actually listen to those that are much more qualified than he is? He’s had so much success by doing the exact opposite. Combine his results, his ego and let’s say it, his age. This is a man that at this age is set in his ways. He’s a man that ran a family business, where there is no such thing as democracy, you do what the boss want’s or “you’re fired!”. One thing is for sure, this is uncharted territory for our country. We will all see how this plays out. There will however have to be a lot of healing and repairing at home and abroad.

By Albie Cooper

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