Are You A Good Parent Or Good Buddy?





Are You A Good Parent Or Good Buddy? by by Donald Yates

What Is The Difference Between Parent And Buddy?

Corrupting the human spirit.
Let’s face it, we have lost control of our lives. Politicians, Television, Music, Peer Pressure, degradation, and thousands of negative messages bombard us every day, twisting our lives into a catastrophic catastrophe of disappointments and bleak futures. Most prim time TV programs deal with murder or death in one way or another and send a strong message that violence is nothing more than normal.

Poison to the mind
Continued T.V. accounts of drive-by shootings, shootings at a local High School, Shopping Mall or front line pictures of war have hardened our youth into a “live for today because tomorrow may not come” attitude. A tough fact is, we are sacrificing our youth to Hollywood and the media’s hard-boiled world.

Premises of grandeur
The merchants have become our youth’s God as they are mesmerized by glittery ads and false promises. Our youth has become self orientated, selfish and non responsive to the needs of others. Look into the mirror because what our youth has become is a reflection of ourselves and we silently stand by and allow it to happen.

Education is essential for a better future
We must educate our youth to understand the significance of morals, values and good civic standards. Life is only an experience and the quality of that experience is held in trust by generations gone by. The more time we devote to helping our youth to understand the meaning of life, the better-quality of life they will enjoy. Through instructive living we demonstrate that better choices are essential for a superior life experience.

Encourage their interest
With the teaching and encouragement to embrace basic values and standards as life enhancement tools, our youth will have a much better chance at living a productive and enjoyable life experience. One sure avenue is, too convince and encourage our youth to seek higher education as a path to success. The importance of higher education can not be ignored as the most significant step in the progression of life.

What is important
We must also instill in our children, that education is important for other things other than career advancement. It also serves to teach reading, writing, etiquette and better relationships for acceptance in society. Before a person can become successful he/she must be accepted as a valuable part of society. Exposure to the arts also provides the student a way to engage the world, as well as an opportunity for expression and expansion as they experience other philosophies and traditions.

Use positive thinking
As a parent, we must pay attention to our children’s positive attributes and interest and encourage them by assisting in any way possible. The choice should be theirs in making an intellectual and economic connection between their interest and their education. Any possible link between their interest and economic and business potential should be explored. Strong interest in a hobby for instance can provide the motivation to advance in that particular field of expression. A child who feels he/she had a say in their future is more apt to finish their education.

Be Understanding
Look for any outstanding qualities in your children at an early age to expand upon. Teach them early-on of the importance of relationships, values and to respect other’s property as well as their feelings. Their growth is dependent on your ability to provide proper direction without inflecting your judgment on their choices. Keep conversations honest, open and productive, showing appreciation for their participation. Give good counsel rather than demand and your children will look to you for advice when needed. As a ground rule, always open discussions without judgments.

Enjoy your children
Our youth is our legacy into the future. How well we instruct and instill good morals and values in them will be how we are reflected upon by our grandchildren and beyond. Being a good parent is not being a good buddy. You are not your child’s buddy you are their provider, instructor and most of all example.

Happy Trails

�Donald Yates, Former Development coordinator for Imperial Research, theologian, training director, author, Spiritual Adviser, is now retired but continues to expand through Self Discovery. Learn how you can also. Go to.�
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