

Would you like to be a guest writer, or post

something to our Politics/Opinion page, or

just have a comment on current affairs or

have a question for Political Playtime?


If so, you may use the form provided. Just fill in your

information and add your message. If it is a large submission,

we recommend you copy and paste into the message box.

If you want, you can expand the message box from the

bottom right corner. Please include a short bio (not required).

You get full credit for your submission. We will not be

able to post all submissions, but those that we do post,

the author will be notified. All submissions which are

not used, along with author information will be deleted.

Please note: The opinions of the contributors to

Political Playtime are their own and we respect

everyone’s right to voice their opinion. We welcome

anyone with a valid opinion on any subject to contribute.

All we ask is that it is factual, does not incite violence

against others and does not violate copyright laws.

Please read our Privacy Policy/Terms of Use


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